Info struct containing the position in a battle
Name | Type | Description |
tokenId | uint256 | The token ID of the position |
battleAddr | address | The address of the battle |
tickLower | int24 | The lower tick of the position |
tickUpper | int24 | The upper tick of the position |
liquidity | uint128 | The liquidity of the position |
liquidityType | LiquidityType | Specifies the type of liquidity seeded to the position is collateral, Spear, or Shield |
seed | uint256 | The token amount provided for the position, of the collateral, Spear or Shield liquidity type |
insideLast | GrowthX128 | The GrowthX128 info struct inside the position |
owed | Owed | The Owed amounts accumulated by the position |
state | PositionState | Record the state of the position liquidity or obligation |
spearObligation | uint256 | The obligatory reserve of collateral amount for settling Spear tokens sold by the position |
shieldObligation | uint256 | The obligatory reserve of collateral amount for settling Shield tokens sold by the position |
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