Parameters for functions contained in the core contracts
Params used by burn function in the core Battle contracts
Name | Type | Description |
tickLower | int24 | The lower tick boundary of the position for which to burn liquidity |
tickUpper | int24 | The upper tick boundary of the position for which to burn liquidity |
liquidityType | LiquidityType | The chosen liquidity type can be Collateral, Spear, or Shield |
liquidityAmount | uint128 | The amount of liquidity to be burnt |
Params used by mint function in the core Battle contracts
Name | Type | Description |
recipient | address | The address for which the liquidity will be added |
tickLower | int24 | The lower tick boundary of the position in which to add liquidity |
tickUpper | int24 | The upper tick boundary of the position in which to add liquidity |
liquidityType | LiquidityType | The chosen liquidity type can be Collateral, Spear, or Shield |
amount | uint128 | The amount of liquidity to be added |
seed | uint128 | The token amount provided for the position, of the collateral, Spear or Shield liquidity type |
data | bytes | Any data to be passed through to the callback |
Params used by trade function in the core Battle contracts
Name | Type | Description |
recipient | address | The address to receive the output of the swap |
tradeType | TradeType | The type of trade to perform |
amountSpecified | uint256 | The amount of the swap, which implicitly configures the swap as exact input of collateral or exact output of Spear or Shield token delta |
sqrtPriceLimitX96 | uint160 | The Q64.96 sqrtPrice limit |
data | bytes | Any data to be passed through to the callback |
Paramaters used for step computations in a trade
Name | Type | Description |
tradeType | TradeType | The type of trade to be executed, whether to |
sqrtRatioCurrentX96 | uint160 | The current sqrt ratio of the pool |
sqrtRatioTargetX96 | uint160 | The price that cannot be exceeded, from which the direction of the swap is inferred |
liquidity | uint128 | The usable liquidity |
amountRemaining | int256 | How much input or output amount is remaining to be swapped in/out |
unit | uint256 | The token decimal unit, e.g. a token with 18 decimals has a unit of 10**18 |
The info struct used in the creation of an options pool, ie, a Battle.
Name | Type | Description |
collateralToken | address | The supported collateral token address for the battle |
underlying | string | The underlying asset symbol |
expiries | uint256 | The of expiry timestamp of the battle |
strikeValue | uint256 | The value of an option's strike price |
Parameters used for deploying battles
Name | Type | Description |
arenaAddr | address | The address for the arena contract |
battleKey | bytes32 | The battle Key containing a pool's specifications |
oracleAddr | address | The address for the oracle |
cOracleAddr | address | the contract address for a chainlink price feed |
fee | Fee | The fee structure for the battle |
spear | address | The address of the Spear tokens for a pool |
shield | address | The address of the Shield tokens for a pool |
manager | address | The address for the manager contract |
sqrtPriceX96 | uint160 | The starting sqrt ratio when initiating a battle |
Info struct used to modify position parameters
Name | Type | Description |
tickLower | int24 | The lower tick boundary of the position |
tickUpper | int24 | The upper tick boundary of the position |
liquidityType | LiquidityType | The chosen liquidity type can be Collateral, Spear, or Shield |
liquidityDelta | int24 | The change in liquidity |
Info struct used to update position parameters
Name | Type | Description |
mpParams | ModifyPositionParams | The parameters for modifying the position |
tick | int24 | The current tick |
Last updated